Brigadoon Celebrities
Several Brigadoon BT have been in newspaper and magazine ads, including Time Magazine.
Most recently CH Brigadoon Bullinda Bailey performed on an Animal Planet television program.


CH Brigadoon Etoile Blanc ROM is also the model for beautiful, newly created Bull Terrier poker chips,
which are available in many colors & can be seen HERE

We are pleased to announce that Brigadoon Baronesse Essex is the Spokes Dog
for the prestigious Tudor Pinot Noir Vineyards Radog Wines.

CH Brigadoon Baronnese Essex (Kenya) has been working in the vineyard with Dan Tudor of Tudor Wines. Kenya isn't old enough to drink yet, but she loves Pinot Noir grapes and she loves Dan.  Radog is Tudor's fun label for some delicious varietals, and Kenya is their spokes puppy!   Check out

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