About Brigadoon

Carolyn & David Alexander bred and exhibited Bull Terriers for nearly 40 years. They established a careful, conservative breeding program that promoted beautiful, mentally & physically healthy Bull Terriers. In 2011, The American Kennel Club assigned the Breeder of Merit title to Brigadoon Bull Terriers in recognition of our testing and careful breeding practices. Brigadoon Bull Terriers have been known for their wonderful temperaments.

Unfortunately, times change and Brigadoon is neither breeding nor exhibiting any longer. We are proud of what we have achieved but our time for breeding and showing has come to an end. If you are reading this in the search for a bull terrier puppy, you can still contact us for a reference to friends who continue to breed dogs from our lines.

Read on for some historical information including pedigrees (click on the picture of the dog you are researching) and articles we have written which can contribute to an understanding of the breed. Note also that Carolyn continues to author the breed column which appears in the AKC Gazette. She has done so since 1995 and has contributed much to the understanding and enjoyment of Bull Terriers in that timeframe both within the breed and within the general dog fancy. We are still active as judges and within several dog clubs, and David serves on the Animal Control Panel for Monterey County.

Brigadoon is located on 5 country acres, on the promontory of a Mt. Toro foothill, overlooking the Salinas Valley. We keep only a couple bullies and right now they are senior citizens. Most Brigadoon bullies live with their co-owners in their homes throughout the US, principally in California. The Alexanders believe it is important for Bull Terriers to live with families, not in dog runs. Brigadoon was not a breeding kennel as such. Instead, the Alexanders assisted buyers with free referrals and worked with co-owners in learning to exhibit and breed show quality bullies and in simply enjoying their bully baby, whether pet or show. We encouraged puppy buyers to have their puppies tattooed or microchipped & and to take them to puppy socialization training, for which the Alexanders offered a rebate.

Brigadoon Bull Terriers were bred only after passing testing to preclude genetic and other problems. Puppies were placed in a home after a first vet check, with BAER test result paperwork. If interested in getting on the waiting list for a puppy that is down from Brigadoon BT lines, please complete the questionnaire on this website. The questionnaire is designed to help the Alexanders get to know prospective buyers. The Alexanders care deeply that relationships between pups and their new families, as well as between breeders and the new families, work well.

Impatient for a puppy, many people often unknowingly turn to puppy mills and poor quality backyard breeders. Puppy mills almost always have pups available. Puppy mills do not offer proof of BAER testing. Brigadoon did, and all reputable breeders do. Puppy mills may not offer AKC registration because AKC is cracking down on spurious puppy mill operations. Puppy mills will ship or sell to anyone who has the money. If you care that your puppy comes from healthy parents and pedigrees and are willing to be patient if pups are not currently available, please complete the questionnaire.

This photo was taken of the Alexander Clan in Airdrie, Scotland just after David judged the Scottish Specialty 4 Mar 2001.
L to R. Carolyn, David, David's Mum and Dad, David's sister Myra

Brigadoon overlooks John Steinbeck's "Pastures of Heaven".
While our home is modern, we have strong, traditional values regarding upholding the quality and health of our breed.

Two of the walls in the trophy room at Brigadoon.

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